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Erdogan and Jinping

Turkish President Recep Tayyip shake hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping

Brazil President Dilma Russeff

"They decided to interrupt the mandate of a president who had committed no crime. They have convicted an innocent person and carried out a parliament coup" Former Brazil President Rousseff.

Crashing train France

Crashing France train at Saint-Aunes village 60 injured.

Donald Trump

Trump said Milwaukee shooting showed it was justified, "we have to obey the laws or we don't have a country" Trump

Hillary Clinton

"No Barrack Obama is not the founder of ISIS" Clinton responded to Donald Trump. U.S . presidential race.

Abdur kadeer Khan

Swiss Nuclear scientist Abdur Qadeer Khan whose computer was destroyed in Feb 6, 2009 during investigation into elicit sale of nuclear weapons materials to Libya. Failed to force Switzerland to pay him US$1million in property damages. Khan is known as the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump the republican US president candidate on his campaign dropping another word bomb to Democrat said US President Barack Obama he is the "founder of IS group". But Clinton warned of dangers of wreck less language during president race.


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